Morningssuk Blend

Morningssuk Blend

from $16.00

It seems unfair that the world runs on an early birds’ schedule. We have to wake up when we don’t want to, get ready when we don’t want to, and go to work when we don’t want to. When will the night owls get their time in the sunlight? When will the night owls rise up against this tyranny?! Rise up against the oppressive establishment, my night owl brothers and sisters! Only you can bring the change that we want to see in the world!

Or you can get some Morningssuk Blend coffee. With two different African coffees in one blend, it might help you from protesting too much when it comes to early rising.

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Ebenezer Morningssuk, the Spirit of Your 9-5 Yet to Come, descended from a prestigious line of late-risers. Previously, his idea of “early morning” was waking up before the drive-thru menu flipped to the lunch selection at fast-food restaurants. But now, much to his dismay, he has come to grips with his tragic new reality. A curse that plagues many men—and women—alike...

A day job in which he is eternally tasked with preparing others for their dismal shifts ahead. If he had known, he would’ve wanted a suitable drink to prepare himself.

That’s why Ebenezer developed “Morningssuk Blend,” for people like him who believe mornings should be reserved for birds and barn animals. It’s his way of getting you up and ready in the morning so that he can sleep in instead of physically appearing before you on Monday-Friday at 6am. Old habits die hard, after all.

Morningssuk Blend is a bold blend of Indonesian and African coffees roasted dark (like the back of your eyelids in the morning.)

We hope you enjoy this blend, and it helps those of you, like Ebenezer, who think mornings... are tough!



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