Chocolate Turtle

Chocolate Turtle

from $16.00

In our experience, slow and steady NEVER wins races. You can be the steadiest, slowest person in the world, and still never win a single race. The only race you can ever hope to win is a race for how slow anything could be, which would be a boring race anyways. Just keep racking up those participation trophies, my turtle compadre, and enjoy some of our chocolate turtle coffee. Chocolate, caramel, and the flavor of nuts speed this into first place for your favorite coffee! Lukewarm Coffee will never leave you in the dust, when it comes to quality coffee and robust flavor! So run, don’t walk, to order this delicious brew today!

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Unlike the story of the tortoise and the hare, Mr. Turtle knew he had skin in the game... or at least chocolate in the game! Unfortunately, Little Timmy loves chocolate; turtles… not so much.

What kind of game is this that pits turtle against little Timmy?

Like any good proverbial fairytale, we're not exactly sure, but Mr. Turtle has a leg up on the lad. He can outrun him for at least 25 feet!

If Mr. Turtle could just make it to that ice cream truck at the corner, he could leave Timmy in his dust! Or at least leave him holding a double chocolate ice cream cone with sprinkles.

Fortunately, you won't have to outrun Timmy to enjoy this chocolate turtle coffee rich with pecans, caramel, and of course, sweet chocolate.

And don't worry: Mr. Turtle is not in the coffee. We couldn't catch him.

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